Parnasimautik Consultation Report
Representatives of all regional organizations met in Kuujjuaq and released the Parnasimautik Consultation Report prepared under the direction of leaders of the Makivik Corporation, the Kativik Regional Government, the Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services, the Kativik School Board, the Nunavik Landholding Corporations Association, the Avataq Cultural Institute and the Saputiit Youth Association. Parnasimautik is an unprecedented exercise in regional and local mobilization and unity. The Parnasimautik Consultation Report is the voice of Nunavik Inuit. In every community as well as with Nunavik Inuit in Chisasibi and Montreal, workshop participants in 2013 spoke about their needs and visions. An information session was conducted at Kawawachikamach. The consultation report marks the completion of the mandates set at the all-organization meetings in September 2012 and February 2014, specifically to consult Nunavik Inuit on a comprehensive vision of regional development and to prepare a report.
Nunavik Forum Discussions
At the Nunavik Forum, the participants agreed that Nunavik Inuit will accept nothing less than a commitment from governments to a comprehensive, integrated, sustainable and equitable approach for improving our lives and communities. Plan Nunavik, including its preconditions to Nunavik Inuit support for the Plan Nord, are an integral part of the Parnasimautik Consultation Report.
The report covers all the fundamental issues facing Nunavik Inuit.
- Moving forward, our goals must be to: Improve the well-being of Nunavik Inuit according to Inuit culture, language and way of life.
- Address now and on an ongoing basis the fundamental issues identified by Nunavik Inuit.
- Secure an expanded and adequate land base for Nunavik Inuit.
- Create opportunities for future generations.
- Work towards a new autonomous governance structure for Nunavik.
Next Steps
At the Nunavik Forum, the participants acknowledged it is important for Nunavik Inuit to build on the Parnasimautik Consultation Report and Plan Nunavik. They outlined the next steps for creating a formal Nunavik Inuit declaration for the region to:
- Establish the fundamental issues and priorities.
- Determine the conditions under which development will be acceptable to Nunavik Inuit.
The mandate for the preparation of the Nunavik Inuit declaration and for reporting to Nunavik Inuit on the progress of the work was given to the Makivik Corporation with the core group organizations. A deadline of March 2015 was set for this work to be presented for adoption at the annual general meeting of the Makivik Corporation. The region’s organizations agreed to continue to work closely together, to coordinate, to assign resources if necessary, and to contribute financially each organization in its own capacity.
At the Nunavik Forum, the participants acknowledged it is important for Nunavik Inuit to participate on all forums, tables, committees and working groups created by the governments concerning development of the north.
Table Québec‒Nunavik will be the privileged forum for Nunavik Inuit and the Québec government to follow-up on Plan Nunavik and the Parnasimautik Consultation Report. Each organization will continue pursuing its sectoral issues according to its responsibilities and mandates.
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